National Honor Society
Sr. Teresa Trayers, SND Chapter
of the National Honor Society at
Bishop Stang High School

The Sr. Teresa Trayers, SND Chapter of the National Honor Society at Bishop Stang High School exists to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of character in pupils of Bishop Stang High School.
Our Name
Our chapter is named after Sr. Teresa Trayers, SND, the last Sister of Notre Dame to staff our school.
Sister served our school for 24 years until her retirement in 1998.
What do we do?
The National Honor Society is primarily a service organization. Each chapter and each member is responsible for completing a service requirement.
Chapter Dedication and Patron
The Chapter is dedicated to the Virgin Mary under her title Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom...members are urged to turn to her in prayer and imitate her virtues.
Service In our school:
Care and maintenance of the Chapel of the Annunciation
- Through weekly cleaning by our officers and members…
- Through providing the flowers and decorating for the Christmas and Easter Seasons…
- Through our celebration of the Solemnity of the Annunciation and the bestowal of an annual gift to the chapel…
NHS Faculty/Staff Recognition Day
- Each year, on the feast of St. John Baptist de la Salle, patron saint of teachers, we honor our faculty for modeling the characteristics of NHS.
Guidance Dept. Recognition Day
- Each year, on the feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel, we honor our guidance counselors and staff by honoring them in a Prayer Service and treating them to a catered lunch.
- Every year members of our chapter volunteer to tutor students…
Service In our community
Blood Drive
- Each year our chapter holds two annual American Red Cross blood drives…
Food Drives
- Every fall our chapter holds our annual Rock-a-thon Food Drive….
Rock-a-thon Food Drive
- This year we collected over 5,000 pounds of food to assist three area food pantries…